
Thursday, 15 May 2014

Dog Information

                                 Dog Information

Why do dogs have tails?
A dogs tail is an extension of the spine. It helps them to keep balance when they run. Moreover, a dogs tail position and motion is incorporated as a complex system of language that domestic dogs use to show excitement or agitation. In additional, a mammals  tail appears physically as an extension of the backbone of the central upright  balancing hanger of adjoining parts of a creature.

How do dogs protects themselves?
dogs protect themselves by barking, growling, and attacking. A dog protects itself by growling if endangered and then go into bite, if it feels threatened. A dog protects itself by making itself bigger and then scares of the enemy away.

Where did dogs first appear?
The earliest known dog like fossils come from Europe. But DNA studies have implicated East Asia and in the middle East. Now a large DNA study is, lining up with the fossils, suggesting dogs originated in Europe some 19,000 to 32,000 years ago. scientists generally agree that dogs emerged from wolves to become the first domesticated animal.

How do dogs communicate?
Dogs communicate with each other by barks, whines, body, growling, and tail language. There body language is very complex and hard for humans to interpret at all times.


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